Am I a storyteller or a portrait maker?

I’m both.

To me in order to be the very best wedding photographer I must have the skills to creatively capture the day as it unfolds. That’s the storyteller. But the story would be incomplete without beautiful portraiture that will mean so much to the couple, their families and the generations to come. So, I pursue each wedding with a fresh creative perspective and most importantly with a compelling desire to create the very best of both for my client. I’m a storyteller and a portrait maker. It’s just necessary.

Of course experience is your friend when photographing a wedding but even after photographing hundreds of them I still want my next one will be the very best one yet. Thanks to experience, even in all the excitement and rush that makes weddings so much fun it is now second nature to anticipate events before they even happen, to be the center of calm and observe. Then, what makes it all come together is a creative eye and vision that bring the day back to the you in ways you were unable to see and experience yourself. I hear it all the time, “There was so much I didn’t see…thank you so much!”.

You’re depending on me. I know it. I want to be your storyteller. I want to make beautiful portraits for you. I want you to be able to see all of your day… and love it forever.