Shannon and Mark – Chateau Morrisette Wedding

The day started out a bit sketchy but the forecast was for a clearing right about the time Shannon and Mark planned their ceremony. The clouds were getting darker, and then came a drop here and a drop there. Then it became inevitable that we were going to have a rainy day. So, as the day progressed and Shannon relaxed a bit with a bottle of wine as she dressed, there were peeks out the window here and there just to see if there was any hope that things could stay outside. Didn’t look promising. Right around 30 minutes before the wedding, a final call had to be made and what happened next was pretty amazing. All of a sudden, the skies brightened and a strong sun started coming through the clouds, just out of nowhere, and enough that I had to quickly change up the lighting strategy for the window portraits. So, the forecast was actually spot on and a perfect window of opportunity for an outdoor wedding magically happened.

Vows were said, rings were swapped, family pictures were done, and finally we had an opportunity for some beautiful garden portraits. Just as we were finishing the last portrait series, the clouds thickened and once again the world darkened. Off to the reception we went for a fun evening with a crowd that was ready for fun. And the rain came, and came, and came for the rest of the evening.  And I was glad to be inside for this one :)


Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding

Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding Chateau Morrisette Wedding


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