I spend a lot of time in the woods, most of it on mountain bike trails (well known and secret ones, too!) all over Mill Mountain, or Carvin’s Cove, or Brush Mountain and Pandapas Pond. For me it’s a place for spiritual renewal, a realignment so to speak with the simple Earth. The simple Earth doesn’t have wireless anything, or perhaps it has wireless everything, depending on how you look at it.

For me, climbing a hill on a bike is the best part. It’s a time of focus on your effort, but it also affords the most opportunity to really look at everything around you. You don’t often see anything on the fast paced downhills, just what is immediately in front of you, and all that is a blur. But the uphill is slow and steady.

In a way, it’s almost opposite of life. In life, the uphill is the struggle and the focus where we sometimes lose our ability to see everything around us. In life, the downhill is the easy ride where we take it all in to enjoy.

Either way, cheers to all of the uphills and downhills in life. We need ’em both to get the thrill!




