There seems to be no doubt in my mind that the most exciting thing downtown is the H&C sign. I LOVE it. Enough to stand out on the middle of Williamson Road for an hour taking several time exposures last year.


But this perspective of the sign may be little noticed unless you happen to look up while dining at the Green Dolphin Grille.


Thanks to my friend Melanie Turner for pointing out this view, which is really awesome. I hadn’t really done much with this shoot until today when we did a little correspondence. I wanted to show Melanie what a great eye she has, so I sent her this shot, which of course, she inspired!

That was a great day of shooting in downtown. I was even lucky enough to catch the building superindendent for the Atelier, who was gracious enough to let me up on the roof so I could get this awesome shot. I LOVE this SIGN!!
