A little over a month ago we went to see our friends Liz and Mackie and stay at their place out in the wild hillsides of Albermarle Co. Jack was making his first overnight visit doggie style and there was less anxiety knowing that we were being hosted by a forgiving animal lover. So all went well and we had a great time. But I’m not sure that Max and Bill, their two dogs, ever really got to lovin’ some Jack. Especially Bill, who laid down the line and dared Jack to cross it. It really was hilarious watching Bill defend his territory for most of the weekend. Max of course, being the older and wiser of the two was much less bothered by the young pup invading his space. He was more or less a spectator to the standoff between Jack and Bill, just enjoying the day and probably saying things like “Bill, Bill, Bill….why are you so uptight, dude”.

Sadly, we learned just a couple of weeks ago that Max died suddenly just a couple of weeks after our visit. Apparently he had a seizure and was unable to recover from it. Liz and Mackie are of course heart broken, what else can you expect when you lose a constant companion who was nothing but a joy. But apparently Bill is taking things even harder. It is indeed sad to watch a dog pine for someone they loved and cared about.

While I was up there, I did get a few shots of the dogs as they hung out with us. Liz called and said that she really appreciated the prints I sent her because they didn’t really have many good ones of Max in his old age. I was looking at some shots that I have taken of Jack over the last few months and my mind couldn’t help but wander to the future which will most likely see me watch Jack get older and eventually leave us. I really don’t want to dwell on that, but I looked at the shots of him when he was just a pup, barely able to climb the stairs, so stocky and cute.

I wouldn’t trade those for a million dollars.

So here’s to Max, a loyal and dear friend.



And Bill…….hope you get to feeling like your old self soon.


