What a beautiful weekend. I am amazed at how simply gorgeous it was, and to think it is not even peak yet! I passed by some Pumpkin Fest in Riner on my way to wedding #1 this weekend, and all I could think about was getting out of the car and running like mad through a corn maze, reveling in the feel and sound of corn stalk stubble crushing beneath my feet, the warm sun lighting up all of the colors just starting to peek out from summer greenery. Why can’t I be six again?

Another thought. Aren’t Pumpkin Fests and corn mazes kind of like a Charlie Brown Disney World? Doesn’t the Great Pumpkin live in one?

Wedding #2 was just as gorgeous a day. On the way, I passed by a horde of people crossing Rt 311 to start their hike up to McAfee Knob. I know that all of them were thinking how lucky they were to live in such a spectacular place. I can’t even imagine the views they were able to take in today.

I was lucky enough to have a few myself.

Here’s one of my many favorite images from this weekend.

Happy Fall everyone!
